Hannah Kent on butter, Peig’s glasses, and the generosity of County Kerry

The Kerry Creators Series grew out of a passion to connect with other writers, illustrators and photographers with links to the Kingdom. Kerry’s motto is “Comhar, Cabhair, Cairdeas,” which translates as “Cooperation, Help, and Friendship” and I can think of no better description of the people in this place that, as a blow-in, I’ve come to love.
— Amanda Geard

Hannah Kent is an Australian author and screenwriter, whose debut novel, Burial Rites, told the story of the last execution in Iceland. An international bestseller, it has now been translated into over 30 languages.

Her second novel, The Good People, tells the story of Anne ‘Nance’ Roche, a ‘fairy doctress’ and bean feasa from the Glenflesk area who, in 1826, attempts to banish a changeling. Hannah’s research into the true story behind the novel took her all over Ireland, and gave her a deep love and appreciation of Kerry history, culture and folklore in particular.

As a teenager Hannah played the tin whistle and bodhran in an Irish folk band, and she looks forward to one day being able to return to Ireland to indulge her ongoing love of its traditional music. Hannah’s third novel, Devotion, was published in 2021. She is currently adapting both The Good People and Devotion for screen, and lives on Peramangk Country in the Adelaide Hills.



1.   You’re taking a writing break in a Kerry café … Where is it? Which Kingdom-inspired dish would you be absolutely unable to resist?

During my time researching The Good People I ended up having many tea breaks in the café of Muckross House – I was very lucky to be using the library there at the time. I’m unsure if it’s a local speciality, but I became addicted to the scones and Kerry butter and cream there. Not quite a dish, but if I could have a slice of Kerry with me here in Adelaide, it would be the butter!


2.   Which month do you love most in Kerry, and why?

I need to come back to do a comparison! I’ve only spent the spring in Kerry, and I loved it, but it would be wonderful to come back in both deep winter and summer to get a better sense of its different selves. But yes, spring was glorious. Seeing those first flowers come out felt magical.


3.   Who would you rather share a pint of Guinness with: Tom Crean or John B. Keane? Tell us a little more!

A tricky one! John B. Keane perhaps, only because I’ve read so much of his work and would love to learn more from him, writer to writer. Still, I’d never say no to a pint with Tom Crean. The stories he’d tell! Could we somehow gather both of their ghosts together?

4.   Which is your favourite Kerry …

a.     Beach? Can I have coastline instead? Dingle!

b.     Pub? O’Flaherty’s in Dingle, for the music

c.     Drive? Gap of Dunloe

d.     Hike? Killarney National Park (does this count as a hike?) [Ed note: Totally, it does!]

e.     Bookshop? O’Mahony’s in Tralee.

f.      View? An Chonair (Conor Pass)

5.   If time travel allowed you to go back, visit the Blaskets, and give one item and one piece of advice to Peig Sayers, what would they be?

Would it be selfish to sneak a tape recorder into my time travelling machine so that we might have more of her storytelling in its purest form? Possibly. I know she had poor eyesight, perhaps some glasses might be a better gift. I don’t know if I have any advice to give to Peig. I think I’d prefer to take hers.

6.   We’re lucky to have Ireland’s mightiest (and highest) peak right here in the county. Have you ever climbed Carrauntoohil (1,038m)? If so, how did it make you feel? If not … would you consider giving it a go?

I haven’t! But I would love to give it a go. They say you should always leave something undone when visiting a new country, so as to give yourself a reason to come back …

7. If you could pick one thing the county could do without, and one thing that it must never, ever lose, what would you choose?

I’m not a local, so I feel that it might be poor form to impose an opinion like this upon the county. Who am I to know? But one thing I hope Kerry never loses is the generosity of its people, and its fine traditions of storytelling. I have benefitted enormously, and am deeply grateful for both.

8. Finally …

       i.         The reeks or the strand? Reeks

     ii.         Dingle or Killarney? Don’t make me choose!!

    iii.         Blaskets or Skelligs? Blaskets

    iv.         Black or white pudding? Black

     v.         Kerryman or Kerry’s Eye? Kerry’s Eye

    vi.         Hunter, Dubarry or good old Dunlop? Dunlop

  vii.         Rooster or Kerr’s Pink? Kerr’s pink

 viii.         Turf or timber? Turf!

    ix.         Dingle Gin or Skelligs chocolate? Dingle gin

     x.         Fassbender or Buckley? Buckley.

Ed note: I absolutely loved The Good People, published by Picador, and I’ll never forget reading it in the snow in tiny cabin in Sweden (I’ll have to read it again in Kerry …). I’ve recommended and gifted this book many times. You can find Hannah on Instagram (@hannahkentwrites) and Facebook (@hannahkentauthor) as well as her website, www.hannahkentauthor.com.


Felicity Hayes-McCoy on twisty roads, Dingle and her enduring love of Mount Brandon


Ciaraíoch on rhyme-y poetry, the natural enemy of the Tralee people, and her attempts to be kidnapped by faeries