Anna McQuinn on the Song of Amergin, having a drink with Eibhlín Dubh Ní Chonaill, and eating the view
“The Kerry Creators Series grew out of a passion to connect with other writers, illustrators and photographers with links to the Kingdom. Kerry’s motto is “Comhar, Cabhair, Cairdeas,” which translates to “Cooperation, Help, and Friendship” and I can think of no better description of the people in this place that, as a blow-in, I’ve come to love.”
Anna McQuinn grew up in Castleisland and went to a 2-teacher national school where her father was her teacher and her mother (also a teacher) once did ‘sub’. Growing up in a household of teachers, she developed a strong interest in child development. Anna also loves books and read from a young age (even the back of the cornflakes packet at breakfast – not that helpful as her mother tried to get all 6 of them out the door to school).
In the late 80s, like many of that generation, Anna had to leave her beloved Kerry to find work in the UK (as her mother said, “you can’t eat the view”). Happily, she found a way to combine her two passions (reading and child development and literacy) and worked in publishing for the next 30 years – as an editor, publisher (founding two indy publishing companies) and author. She also worked part-time as a community librarian, running book groups for children under 5 and their parents.
In 2018, Anna returned to live full-time in Kerry. She now focusses full time on writing and since returning, she has added 9 more titles to her series about Lulu and Zeki. The series has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. Anna also has more time to look at the view, especially the delicious one across Ballinskelligs Bay near her new home.
1. You’re taking a writing break in a Kerry café … Where is it? What Kerry author would you be reading? And which Kingdom-inspired dish would you be absolutely unable to resist?
It is said that Amergin landed in Ballinskelligs Bay and immediately wrote his beautiful poem, Song of Amergin, arguably one of the first poems written in Ireland. As a writer, if you live down the road, how could you not seek inspiration from the same place? So you’d find me in Peter’s Café in Waterville, (though I’ll have to wait for the weather to warm up a bit before he opens), the best place to take in the bay.
I’m a huge fan of Brendan Kennelly, but, looking out at the bay, there’s only one thing to read – Scéine’s reply to Amergin by local poet Paddy Bushe. From the café you can also see the amazing bronze sculpture, also inspired by Amergin, by another local creative, sculptor Holger Lonze. The place really spoils you for inspiration!
2. Which month do you love most in Kerry, and why?
Oh that’s a big toss up!
I love late May, early June as the place heats up and the bees start buzzing (I’ve become an amateur beekeeper since returning).
I also love September – there’s a feeling of the area being returned into the safe keeping of the locals after the summer. And you can still swim, if you’ve a mind to (not those crazy people who swim all year round – normal people can still swim in September).
3. Who would you rather share a pint of Guinness with: Tom Crean or John B. Keane? Tell us a little more!
Oh now, my fantasy is a glass of brandy with Eibhlín Dubh Ní Chonaill – maybe smuggled in by her brother or a cousin. I’d want to know everything about her – we know SO little about this magnificent poet, author of Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire. All that passion and angst – we might need more than one brandy…
4. Which is your favourite Kerry …
a. Beach? Ballinskelligs
b. Pub? Ahhh now how can you pick one? For winter, the Lobster in Waterville, but in summer, Dooleys pips it since it looks out over the bay. Kingstons, Killorglin for the trips ‘inland’ to civilization and pizzas!
c. Drive? Bealach Oisin
d. Hike? I love the walk by the Kildreelig eremitical site. The antient slabs remind me that Christianity came to Kerry and Iveragh direct from the middle east, sooo long ago, and the location reminds you of how small you are – always good for ‘resetting’.
e. Bookshop? I’m waiting for one to open in Waterville! It’s a long way from here to the nearest in Killorglin or Kenmare! Meantime - O’Mahony’s, Tralee.
f. View? Of the Skelligs AND the Blaskets from the barracks on top of Bolus Head Loop walk.
5. If time travel allowed you to go back, visit the Blaskets, and give one item and one piece of advice to Peig Sayers, what would they be?
Oh lord! I think a little bottle of something (maybe we could share a glass of brandy too?). She had a hard life, and an obvious need to document that, which was wonderful.
I’m not sure I’d advise anything, but perhaps if she had a nice glass of the something before writing – we might see more of the poetry she had inside.
6. We’re lucky to have Ireland’s mightiest (and highest) peak right here in the county. Have you ever climbed Carrauntoohil (1,038m)? If so, how did it make you feel? If not … would you consider giving it a go?
I’ve never climbed it but I have been to the top of the Skellig more than once. It’s SUCH an amazing place, I’d go any time I get the chance.
7. If you could pick one thing the county could do without, and one thing that it must never, ever lose, what would you choose?
These are good questions!
If I told you what popped into my head, you couldn’t publish it (or I’d have to leave the county!). Honestly though, we need to lose The Wild Atlantic Way… Not the geography itself, obviously, it’s glorious! But the marketing I think has led to that tick-list approach for visitors – so they rush off to the next stage. What I recommend to friends is to choose one or two places and stay there… to slow down and take in the views and the history, and have a drink and a meal... It’s nice for them and nicer for the county – more sustainable too than a run of one-night stays.
The thing we must never lose is our connection to the Irish language – not what I call ‘Google-translate-Irish’ but the real deal. Unlike Yeats, I would say, ‘Irish is not my first language but it is my mother tongue’, and I feel that we can only know ourselves fully when we understand our language and how it works.
8. Finally …
i. The reeks (mountains) or the strand (beach)? The strand
ii. Dingle or Killarney? Dingle
iii. Blaskets or Skelligs? Skelligs
iv. Black or white pudding? White (and I’ll be a traitor and say Clonakilty!) (Ed note for those outside Ireland: Clonakilty is make in the county of Cork - shock horror!)
v. Kerryman or Kerry’s Eye? Oh now, how could you answer that!
vi. Hunter, Dubarry or good old Dunlop? Dunlop (or bare feet)
vii. Rooster or Kerr’s Pink? Rooster for taste (Kerr’s Pink for the pleasure of saying it)
viii. Turf or timber? Timber – our bogs are too prescious to take any more turf out.
ix. Dingle Gin or Skelligs chocolate? Skelligs Gin and Skelligs soap (not to eat – though it smells good enough!)
x. Fassbender or Buckley? I’m a reader who knows nothing about movies – they are actors right?
Some hidden gems here, thank you Anna! Very impressed at your dodging of the Crean vs Keane question, and the sidestepping of the either/ors - I LOVE it! Thank you for your brilliant creativity, and your passion for County Kerry.
“These Zeki stories are just perfect books. I really think writing for the very young takes a special kind of skill and an indepth knowledge of small children to really get it right. She is one of the very best writers for the youngest children.”
“Shout out to the brilliant Zeki books... I love books that are built around the everyday lives of babies and toddlers. There’s so much respect and value placed on the regular and routine moments in young children’s lives.”
“Anna McQuinn’s Lulu stories are authentic, and totally in tune with young children’s lives – the interior as well as the external.”
“McQuinn has a real talent for creating stories that deal with childhood’s important rights of passage and pitching them perfectly for the audience.”
You can also find Anna on Twitter (@AnnaMMcQuinn), Instagram (@annamcquinnwrites) and Facebook (Anna McQuinn)