Katie O’Donoghue on Maison Gourmet, a home from home, and autumn’s crunching leaves

The Kerry Creators Series grew out of a passion to connect with other writers, illustrators and photographers with links to the Kingdom. Kerry’s motto is “Comhar, Cabhair, Cairdeas,” which translates to “Cooperation, Help, and Friendship” and I can think of no better description of the people in this place that, as a blow-in, I’ve come to love.
— Amanda Geard
Katie O'Donoghue

Katie O’Donoghue is the author and illustrator of a children’s wellbeing book series: The Little Squirrel Who Worried, The Little Otter Who Tried, and her new book, The Little Lamb Who Led, published by Irish publisher, Gill Books. Katie’s books are inspired by the children she works with and our beautiful Irish landscapes.

Katie is an Art Psychotherapist, accredited by the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists (IACAT) and the Irish Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (IACP) She has a background in Fine Art & Design. You can find her website here.



1.   You’re taking a writing break in a Kerry café … Where is it? What Kerry author would you be reading? And which Kingdom-inspired dish would you be absolutely unable to resist?

A writing break in cafe Maison Gourmet (in Kenmare) would have to be my choice. The coffee and cakes are absolutely divine, plus they are dog friendly so my golden retriever, Sally, could join me.

You would find me sketching, sipping a latte, and nibbling on a scrumptious fruit tartlet. It’s the perfect spot to people watch and just take some time to be.


2.   Which month do you love most in Kerry, and why?

Oh, that’s a hard question as each season brings its joys. However, I have always enjoyed spring and autumn. Spring brings new hope and new life, from the fresh green shoots to the pink cherry blossoms adorning the trees. Whereas Autumn months have their own charm, they bring the harvest along with the change in the air, and the changing colours of the leaves. I love walking in the national park (Ed note: Killarney National Park - gorgeous!) in autumn with the crunching of leaves underfoot on those bright clear days.


3.   Who would you rather share a pint of Guinness with: Tom Crean or John B. Keane? Tell us a little more!

Both men are inspiring but I think it would have to be Tom Crean. What an amazing man, his perseverance and resilience in the face of such immense challenges is awe inspiring. From what I’ve read of Tom Crean I don’t believe he’d regal me with tales of his feats, being the private and humble man he was. But to just sit in his presence and raise a glass to him would have been a great privilege.

4.   Which is your favourite Kerry …

a.     Beach? O’Carrol’s Cove

b.     Pub? Killarney Brewery

c.     Drive? Slea head

d.     Hike? The Kerry Way

e.     Bookshop? I really can’t pick, all bookshops in Kerry have been so supportive of my work. I’m very grateful to them all.

f.      View? Library point

5. If you could pick one thing the county could do without, and one thing that it must never, ever lose, what would you choose?

I think the county could really do without traffic. Living near Killarney I’ve definitely noticed an increase in the traffic over the last few years.

Something I think we should never lose is locally run and sourced Kerry businesses. Local businesses are at the heart of every community in Kerry.


6. Finally …

      i.         The reeks (mountains) or the strand (beach)? The reeks

     ii.         Dingle or Killarney? This is really hard as I love Dingle but my family are from Killarney…Killarney is home, but Dingle with its history, charm and being by the sea is a home from home.

    iii.         Blaskets or Skelligs? Skelligs

    iv.         Black or white pudding? Black

     v.         Kerryman or Kerry’s Eye? Both have been very supportive of my books.

    vi.         Hunter, Dubarry or good old Dunlop? Dunlop

  vii.         Rooster or Kerr’s Pink? Kerr’s Pink

 viii.         Turf or timber? Timber

    ix.         Dingle Gin or Skelligs chocolate? Skelligs Chocolate

     x.         Fassbender or Buckley? Both are incredibly talented

Thanks to Katie! A few new places for me to visit this weekend. Don’t forget to to check out Katie’s new children’s book, THE LITTLE LAMB WHO LED, and take a visit to her website (below) to see her beautiful illustrations. She’s very humble and neglected to mention that that both writes and illustrates her books.

You can also find Anna on Twitter/X (@KatieODonoArt), Instagram (@katieodonoghue_art) and Facebook (Katie O’Donoghue Art)


Anna McQuinn on the Song of Amergin, having a drink with Eibhlín Dubh Ní Chonaill, and eating the view


Patricia O’Reilly on happy childhood memories of Kerry, the First Rose of Tralee and the county’s sense of identity